Newham CAMHS Services & Resources: Refugee/UASC
The Baobab Centre is a non-residential therapeutic community that enables child and adolescent asylum seekers who have experienced organized violence, violation, exploitation, threats, rejection, loss and bereavement in their home communities and on their journeys into exile to thrive in the UK. They offer individual and group psychotherapy; additional therapeutic activities (e.g. fortnightly music workshops and philosophy discussion groups; Easter, Summer and half-term projects); support through the asylum determination processes and practical casework.
Age Range: Must be under 24 years old at the time of referral
Contact Details:
0207 263 1301
Referral Details:
Referral Criteria
- Must be under the age of 24 at the time of referral
- Must be seeking asylum in the UK or have refugee status
- Must have experienced organised (state/community) and/or interpersonal violence in home country or on their journey into exile before the age of 18.
- Must have lost aspects of childhood and adolescent developmental experience through experiences of traumatic violence and loss [generally young people referred at our Centre are functioning developmentally at a much more immature level than their chronological age]
- Is having psychological difficulties now s/he is in the UK
- Is able to attend the Baobab Centre independently, or if not, must be accompanied by the referrer until such a time as s/he feels able to travel to the centre alone
- Does not need specialist psychiatric care and is not violent.
- Has agreed to participate in psychotherapy work and would like to work towards coming to understand themselves better.
How to refer
- (If you have never referred clients to the Baobab) you first must contact the Baobab Centre to discuss your client’s situation with a Baobab intake clinician. This initial contact should preferably take place at one of the regular referrers’ meetings we will be arranging throughout the year, or in person individually at our offices, or, sometimes, over the phone. The purpose of this initial discussion is to make sure that referrers are in a position to decide whether or not what we offer is what their client needs.
- That Referrer fully fills in our referral form, available via our administrative staff who can email the form to you. Please email: for a referral form.
- That Referrer needs to communicate with the young person’s lawyer (Asylum Representative) and sends us copies of the young person’s statement and any legal documents, including copies of the screening and the substantive Interviews with Home Office staff and any interviews with Social Services that are relevant to the asylum claim. We also need copies of any refusal letters from the Home Office and dates of any future appeal hearings and the decisions of the judge in Appeal Hearings that have already taken place. We also need copies of any specialist medical/psychological reports that have been written about scarring and physical and psychological health issues. In addition, any reports about the situation in the young person’s country of origin that were used in their hearing would be helpful.
- [For young people in Local Authority Care] We need a copy of the last two Pathway Plans and any Age Assessment carried out.
Destitute Youth: advice, advocacy and casework support for young migrants, asylum seekers and refugees aged 14 - 21 who are at risk of destitution across London
Age Range: 14 - 21 years old
Contact Details:
0208 8221 8215 or 07885972057
Referral Details: For young migrants, aslylum seekers, and refugees. Call the number above to refer.
Family Voice: providing advice, advocacy and support for refugee and migrant families who face destitution and need help. They deliver professional awareness raising sessions and group work to increase confidence, well-being and skills.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details:
0208 8221 8200 for general contact or 0208 221 8215 for information on referrals
Referral Details: For migrant families who face destruction and need help. Call the number above to refer.
Stand By Me: providing support for young migrants who have been separated from their family, asylum seekers and refugees who are between 16 and 21.
Age Range: 16 - 22 years old
Contact Details:
0208 221 8215 or 07885972057
Referral Details: For young migrants who have been separated from their family, asylum seekers and refugees. Call the number above to refer.
Rise Project: a specialist service providing support for boys and young men aged 11-25 who have been trafficked to the UK
Age Range: 11 - 25 years old
Contact Details:
0208 221 8222
Referral Details: For Young boys and men who have been trafficked to the UK
DOST works with young people who have experienced many challenges and often arrive in the UK feeling alone, vulnerable, isolated and lost, and who may not have the support of family or even speak the local language. DOST aims to offer them a space to feel safe, accepted, and supported in order to be able to grow and develop.Some of the opportunities available include taking part in different activities, making new friendships, improving English, staying healthy and active, receiving support, gaining employment skills, seeing different parts of the UK, meeting and mixing with young people and adults from diverse backgrounds, and learning and developing skills
Age Range: 13 - 19 years old
Contact Details:
Referral Details: For refugees, those from an asylum seeking background, a separated young person, an unaccompanied asylum seeking child, or a migrant who has been in the UK for less than five years.
Refer using the following link:
Hope for the Young provide tailored one to one support and advice to young people according to their needs and aspirations. Each young person receives 2-3 hours of mentoring a week for 6 months in a local café or library. The mentor can offer support with practicing English, enrolment advice, study skills, confidence building, independence skills, accessing local services and activities, practical and emotional support, mapping future goals and learning about the UK.
Age Range: 16 - 25 years old
Contact Details:
Referral Details: For asylum seekers or refugees living within Greater London who can commit to weekly mentoring sessions. Those experiencing significantly high needs that are not being professionally addressed elsewhere cannot be seen
Refer using the following link:
RISE is a free service to help refugees find jobs. RISE supports this by offering English lessons, help with applying for jobs, support from a friendly advisor, fun events, activities and social opportunities, help with benefits and housing, and work support for those in employment. Please note that the website currently states that new referrals and registrations are currently not being taken.
Age Range: Unlisted
Contact Details:
0203 146 3033
Referral Details: Must be a refugee or asylum seeker with the right to work in the UK, or have been granted humanitarian protection, or have been granted discretionary leave to remain, or have had a family reunion application approved.
Currently not taking on any new referrals or registrations, but existing participants or partners can still get in touch. It is unclear when this will change.
The Refugee Council is a leading charity working with refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK. They work with over 13,000 women, men, and children each year who are desperately seeking safety. They provide crisis advice, mental health counselling and practical support to help people settle and integrate into their new community. They are specialists in working with refugee children who arrive in the UK alone, and work with refugees to fight for improvements to the asylum protection system.
Age Range: Various
Contact Details:
0207 346 6700
Referral Details: There are various services offered, find the most suitable one using this link: