People Participation
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9 Rush Court, Bedford
MK40 3JT
01234 893301 / 01234 893300
9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Our clinics are accessed by appointment only. If you require urgent help please click on the red button at the top of the page "I need help now".
We are a multi-agency specialist mental health service for children and young people with complex, severe or persistent emotional, behavioural or developmental needs. We provide assessment and treatment for children and young adults up to the age of 18.
Clinical Conditions we support:
Bipolar Disorder
Eating Disorders
Clinical speciality:
Treatment mode:
Referrals can be made by GPs, healthcare professionals, schools and colleges
You will need to complete this CAMHS referral form for professionals. Ideally, this will be completed in collaboration with the young person, parent, or carer. This will enable us to decide how best to help the client and their family.
Completed referral forms should be emailed to
We also accept self-referrals
Young people or parents/carers who live in Bedfordshire and Luton are able to self-refer to their CAMHS service. Please our complete online self referral form.
The team will screen all referrals for risk and need. For any referrals that we are unable to accept, alternative support will be recommended.
Bedfordshire Looked after Children CAMHS provides outpatient assessments, support and treatment for children and young people up to the age of 18 years, who are in Local Authority care and are experiencing moderate to severe mental health problems. The LAC team works with children and young people who are not living at home with their birth parents and are placed with foster carers or in residential homes, either voluntarily or through a Care Order being granted to the Local Authority by the Courts.
Bedfordshire LAC CAMHS is a multi-disciplinary team comprised of Professional Clinical Lead, Psychotherapist, Family Systemic Therapist, Specialist Nurse and a Social Worker.
For more information on our Eating Disorder Service please click the link below:
Early Help:
The targeted team provide rapid access to targeted interventions for children which will be facilitated at an early stage of need. This will include joint health and social care assessments and consultation for the Team Around the Child, focusing on the principle of strong, collaborative partnership working between agencies.
Is a targeted group of specialist CAMHS Mental Health Practitioners who are embedded in each of the Upper Schools and Colleges within Bedfordshire providing specialist emotional health training to staff, case consultation and where appropriate direct assessment if required.
The named lead in schools are responsible for mental health, developing closer relationships with CAMHS in support of timely and appropriate referrals to services.
Neuro-Developmental Team (NDT):
The Neurodevelopmental Team (NDT) is a multi-disciplinary team made up of psychology, psychiatry, nursing and occupational therapy who support young people with a diagnosis of learning disability and/ or autism who present with either moderate to severe mental health issues or behaviours that place them at risk or are causing concern to those that support them. We frequently work with those that are supporting the young person, as opposed to the young person themselves.
The Autism Assessment Pathway (AAP) is also held within the NDT. As our commitments highlight, we are dedicated to completing neuro-affirming assessments and practising in a neuro-affirming way.
The specialist team work with young people age 13-17 presenting with severe mental illness and behaviour indicating a high risk to themselves or others. This will include young people who are psychotic, bipolar, severely depressed or dysphoric and emotionally unstable, or with other conditions such as obsessive compulsive disorder where there is a high level of dysfunction, and those isolated to a marked degree when it is considered a significant mental illness is likely. The main function of the model is to provide an alternative to in-patient admission through community-based interventions.
Bedford Emotional and Behavioural Teams are based in Bedford and Central Bedfordshire, split across two sites (one in the North and one in the South of the county). The teams provide assessment and treatment for young people with emotional and/or behavioural difficulties unless already managed by any of the above specialist teams.
Find out more about our People Participation team and how you can get involved by clicking here
Please note that our CAMHSTalk Podcasts is now available
North Beds CAMHS Services & Self-Help Resources
Discover additional services providing support to parents, carers and service users on a variety of topics
Bereavement Services
Child Bereavement UK helps families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. They support children and young people up to the age of 25 when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live, and parents and the wider family when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying.
Age Range: Up to the age of 25 years old for children/young people, or parents of said children/young people
Contact Details: 0800 02 888 40
Referral Details: Call the helpline to make a self-referral, and visit the website for general resources and information
Winston’s Wish has supported many families bereaved by serious illness. Their experienced Helpline team can offer advice, guidance and support when someone is seriously ill and after a loved one has died. They speak to parents, carers, family friends, professionals and anyone who is supporting a child or young person during this devastating time.
Age Range: 25 years old and under
Contact Details:
0808 8020 021
Referral Details: Use the forms on the following page:
Cancer Services
Macmillan offer cancer information booklets and merchandise which can be used to promote services or fundraising activities. They also offer support and online communities that those affected can join.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details:
Referral Details:
They do not offer a referral as such, but you can get information and order materials from their website
Coping with change
CAMHS staff have developed these guides designed to support wellbeing:
Click here to view a booklet to help cope over the festive season
Click here to view a booklet to help cope over the Summer holidays
Domestic Abuse Services
Galop works directly with thousands of LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence every year. They specialise in supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, honor-based abuse, forced marriage, so-called conversion therapies and other forms of interpersonal abuse.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details:
0800 999 5428
Referral Details:
For those in the LGBTQIA+ community who have experienced a hate crime/abuse of some form.
Refer using the following link:
Men's advice line is a team of friendly advisors who will listen and offer non-judgemental support, practical advice and information on a range of services. Their goal is to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic abuse (and the safety of any children) by providing confidential support.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details:
0808 8010327 (open 9am-8pm Monday to Friday, 12pm-4pm on weekends)
Referral Details:
There is no referral needed, it is a helpline which can be accessed on 0808 8010327
NCDV help survivors of domestic violence and abuse obtain protection against an abuser, as well as offering services to the police, probation service, domestic abuse agency workers, the legal profession and judiciary. It is a free service. Support typically include helping individuals obtain injunctions from their local county court.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details: 0800 970 2070
Referral Details:
For survivors of domestic abuse.
Refer using the form or numbers on this page:
A helpline with a team of highly trained female advisors who listen without judgement, empower callers to understand their options, and support callers to make decisions about the future. Help to find a refuge or other specialist services is also available. They offer a variety of languages.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details: 0800 2000 247
Family Support
The Forced Marriage Unit is a joint Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office and Home Office unit which leads on the government's forced marriage policy, outreach and casework. It operates both inside the UK (where support is provided to any individual) and overseas (where consular assistance is provided to British nationals, including dual nationals). The FMU operates a public helpline to provide advice and support to victims and potential victims of forced marriage as well as professionals dealing with cases. The FMU public helpline can help with safety advice, providing advice when an unwanted spouse is due to move to the UK, and where possible assistance in repatriation of victims held against their will overseas.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details: 0207 008 0151
Housing Difficulties
Shelter offer a helpline that provides advice and support when facing eviction or homelessness. It is accessible to those who are homeless, who have nowhere to stay for the night, who are worried about losing their home in the next two months, and who are at risk of harm or abuse.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details:
Hotline: 0808 800 4444 (8am-8pm weekdays, 9am-5pm weekends)
Referral Details:
For those who are homeless, who have nowhere to stay for the night, who are worried about losing their home in the next two months, and who are at risk of harm or abuse.
Call the helpline on the number provided above.
Young Carers
A young carer is someone aged 25 and under who cares for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. Older young carers are also known as young adult carers and they may have different support needs to younger carers.
You can also find your nearest Carers Trust Network Partner for local support for unpaid carers on our website (any time) or by calling 0300 772 9600 (Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm).
Crisis Support
A 24/7 helpline offering counselling and confidential advice to under 19s to talk through any issues they're going through.
Age Range: Under 19 year olds
Contact Details: 0800 1111
There is also a live online chat and other forms of contact that can be found here:
Referral Details: No referral required, service users can call the number above for support
A helpline for children and young people who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. They provide a safe space to talk through anything happening in your life that could be impacting on your or anyone else's ability to stay safe.
Age Range: Under 35 year olds
Contact Details: CALL 0800 068 4141 or TEXT 88247
Referral Details: No referral required, service users can call the number above for support
A 24/7 free crisis line for those needing support. Volunteers will listen and help callers talk through their concerns, worries, and troubles.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details:
116 123
Referral Details: No referral required, service users can call the number above for support or alternatively use the email address provided
The YoungMinds Crisis Messenger text service provides free 24/7 crisis support across the UK to those experience a mental health crisis and who need support.
Age Range: Unlisted but young people and parents and mentioned
Contact Details:
Text YM to 85258 or alternatively call 0207 089 5050
Referral Details: No referral required, service users can text "YM" to the above number or call the longer number if preferable
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
A free, 24/7 helpline that supports victims of crime and traumatic incidents.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details:
0808 1689 111 (alternatively there is a live chat available on the website using the link below)
Referral Details: There is no referral. Service users can call the number above for support, or use the live chat on the website using the link below
UK Trauma Council provide support for children who have been through traumatic events. They support professionals, communities, and policy makers through developing resources, guidance, and training in responding to traumatic events that impact on children and young people.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details:
Everything is done via the website (see below)
Referral Details: There is no referral. Resources and training can be accessed on the website
ADHD/Autism/Learning Difficulties
ADDISS provides people friendly information and resources about ADHD to anyone who needs assistance, including parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals.
Age Range: N/A
Contact Details:
0208 952 2800
Referral Details:
No referral needed, there are various resources and information available on the website
Provides independent supporters advice and support for parents of children with special educational needs (SEN), and young people with SEN.
Also provides disability advocacy, which includes engaging and including those with disabilities in community activities and decisions about themselves.
Age Range: Various
Contact Details:
01582 867248
Referral Details:
There are various services that can be found using the weblink below. Click on the appropriate option on their website and follow the advice/instructions given.
Supports parents/carers of a child with autism. They provide diagnostic services, training, accreditation, consultancy and conferences, designed to support all professionals and organisations.
Age Range: Various
Contact Details:
0207 833 2299
Referral Details:
There are a variety of services with different referral rules and criteria. See the options here:
SENDIASS offers free, impartial, and confidential information to young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers. There is a SENDIASS service in every local authority in England, and service users can search the website using their postcode to see if there is a service near them. They also provide information on a wide range of SEND topics for anyone to access.
Age Range: 0 - 25 years old
Contact Details:
Use the "Search our SENDIASS services" box on the website to find the contact details for the service closest to you
Referral Details:
For families of young people aged 0 - 25 years old with special educational needs and disabilities. The service is open to parents and carers, and to young people themselves.
The referral details are dependent on the service offered. Find the appropriate service on the website for more details.
Rufugee / Migrant Services
The Refugee Council is a leading charity working with refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK. They work with over 13,000 women, men, and children each year who are desperately seeking safety. They provide crisis advice, mental health counselling and practical support to help people settle and integrate into their new community. They are specialists in working with refugee children who arrive in the UK alone, and work with refugees to fight for improvements to the asylum protection system.
Age Range: Various
Contact Details:
0207 346 6700
Referral Details: There are various services offered, find the most suitable one using this link:
Victim Support
Victim Support provide specialist help to support people to cope and move on to the point where they feel they are back on track with their lives following a crime of traumatic incident.
Age Range: All Ages
Contact Details: 0808 168 9111
Referral Details: Call the number above to make a referral over the phone
Other Useful Contacts
Samaritans - 116 123
Age UK - 0800 917 7650
Cruse Bereavement Care - 0808 808 1677
Alcoholics Anonymous - 0800917 7650
Men's Adviceline - 0808 801 0327
Narcotics Anonymous - 0300 999 1212
National Debt Helpline - 0808 808 4000
NHS - 111 (Option 2 for Mental Health)
Relate Relationship Support - 0300 003 0396
Shelter - 0808 800 4444
Shout (confidential text service)- 85258
Women's Adviceline - 0808 200 0247
Emergency Services / Police - 999/112
We welcome your feedback and want to be as responsive as we can to your experiences, good and bad. There are two effective ways of talking to us about your views and experience.
This webpage has been created in collaboration with children, young people, parents and carers. If you have suggestions for improving these webpages, please contact