Meet the Team
Meet the Team
We are based at Trust Head Quarters in Aldgate East and Calnwood Court in Luton. The Department is led by Prof. Frank Röhricht, Director of Research, Innovation and Medical Education and Neetu Klair, Head of Medical Education and Medical Staffing.

Dr Frank Rohricht - Director of Research, Innovation and Medical Education
In spring 2018, ELFT appointed Prof Frank Röhricht to the new role of Medical Director for Research, Innovation and Medical Education to support the research culture and the interface between medical education and research.
Dr. Aneeba Anwar: Associate Director of Medical Education
Dr. Anwar was the College Tutor in ELFT for Bedfordshire GP/FY psychiatry trainees and is now the Associate Director of Medical Education, leading the delivery of medical education within ELFT's services in Bedfordshire and Luton and actively involved in mentoring and guiding trainees and trainers. Her work emphasises the importance of safe and effective patient care, fostering an environment conducive to learning for all professionals in healthcare.
As a Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) examiner and a GMC Associate as a PLAB examiner, Dr. Anwar plays a crucial role in assessing the competencies of doctors including International Medical Graduates (IMGs). Dedicated to the development of holistic healthcare skills. She has developed and led diverse training programs for doctors, ACPs, and PAs, and has been a clinical lead for memory services, delivering innovative education initiatives.
Mrs Neetu Klair - Head of Medical Education & Staffing
Neetu has strategic responsibility for the development of the Medical Education department, and leads the Medical Education administration team. She is responsible for leading and managing all medical education provisions in the Trust and ensures all medical staff work together in a co-operative and integrated way.
Mr Marius Johnston - Medical Education Manager
Marius ensures a supportive learning environment for medical students, doctors in postgraduate training, Specialty Doctors and Consultants. He ensures we maintain effective and efficient systems and processes, ensuring the Trust complies with the Educational Governance & Corporate Governance frameworks for both the Trust and the external bodies.
Dr Helen Bruce – Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education
Dr Helen Bruce is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist based in Hackney.
She is a National Teaching Fellow and also a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
She has overall oversight of the clinical placements and medical student teaching across the Trust working closely with all of the site leads and the medical education department.
Dr Hugh Grant-Peterkin - Undergraduate Lead for City and Hackney
Dr Hugh Grant-Peterkin is based at the Homerton hospital, he is a Consultant liaison psychiatrist specialising in older adult psychiatry. He is also a senior tutor and sits on the professional complaints committee at Barts & The London Medical School.
Dr Kaz Iwata - Undergraduate Lead for Newham
Kaz is a consultant general adult psychiatrist for the Newham South Community Recovery Team with both community and inpatient responsibilities. He is the site lead for undergraduates at Newham and oversees the psychiatry placements in Newham.
Dr Charlotte Wattebot-O'Brien - Undergraduate Lead for Tower Hamlets
Charlotte is responsible for co-ordinating undergraduate psychiatry placements in Tower Hamlets and is available to offer support and information to consultants and students.
Email: charlotte.wattebot-o'
Dr Sidra Zia - Undergraduate Lead for Luton and Bedfordshire
Sidra is a Crisis Team Consultant based in Bedford and is responsible for co-ordinating undergraduate psychiatry placements in Luton and Bedfordshire.
Dr Matthew Loughran - UnderGraduate Lead for Forensics
Dr Matthew Loughran is a consultant forensic psychiatrist, based at Wolfson House (low secure unit) and the Tower Hamlets Community Forensic Service. He oversees undergraduate psychiatry placements within the forensic services in East London.
Dr Rahul Bhattacharya - MRCPsych Course Lead
Dr Rahul is the MRCPsych course lead for North East London covering ELFT and NELFT. He is passionate about medical education and patient involvement and aspires the MRCPsych course to be of the highest quality, supported by an excellent faculty and responsive to feedback from trainees.
Dr Iyas Assalman - Postgraduate Med Ed Lead for Newham
Iyas is a Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist and the Postgraduate Lead for trainees in Newham.
Dr Helen Youngman - Postgraduate Lead - Forensics
Helen is a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist. She is responsible for the induction and training of core trainees during forensic placements and committed to optimising the trainee experience.
Dr Rob Lenora - Postgraduate Lead for Bedfordshire
Dr Lenora is an Old Age Consultant and works alongside Dr Manning on junior doctors placements and new trainee inductions.
Dr Marisa Manning - Postgraduate Lead for Luton
Dr Manning has enjoyed teaching and working in education throughout her medical training and interests include enhancing psychiatric training in the acute hospitals and supporting postgraduate trainees in their psychiatry placements.
Dr Sen Kallumpuram - Core Training Programme Director - Luton and Bedfordshire
Dr Sen Kallumpuram is a Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist at the Luton Memory Service and has an interest in medical education and teaching and leads on our FY SIM programme in L&B.
Dr Laura Checkley - Training Programme Director Core Psychiatry Trainees - NCEL
Dr Sheraz Ahmad - Training Programme Director General Adult and Old Age Psychiatry - Bart's and London
Dr Sheraz Ahmed is the Training Programme Director for Higher Training General Adult and Old Age Psychiatry for North East London covering ELFT and NELFT. He has been involved in TPD work with higher training since 2013 and is really passionate about preparing psychiatrists for becoming consultants.
Dr David Middleton - General Adult Psychiatry Training Programme Director (East of England) and Supported Return to Training Champion for Bedfordshire and Luton
Dr David Middleton General Adult Psychiatry Training Programme Director (East of England) and is responsible for these training programmes in each of the Trusts in the region.
Dr Nicole Eady - Consultant Psychiatrist for Tower Hamlets Community Learning Disability Team
Dr Nicole Eady is the training programme doctor for the ST4-6 higher training in Learning Disability Psychiatry. This is a training programme which North East and North West London.
If you are a trainee who is interested in learning more about Learning Disability Psychiatry training and career pathways, please contact Nicole below.
Dr David Middleton - General Adult Psychiatry Training Programme Director (East of England) and Supported Return to Training Champion for Bedfordshire and Luton
Dr David Middleton General Adult Psychiatry Training Programme Director (East of England) and is responsible for these training programmes in each of the Trusts in the region.
Dr Lida Panagiotopoulou - LTFT training champion for the Trust and the SRTT champion for ELFT in London
Dr Lida Panagiotopoulou is also a psychiatrist in Newham.
William Phung - SAS Tutor
Will is a specialty doctor in CAMHS and the SAS (Specialty and Specialist) tutor for ELFT. He is looking into education opportunities for SAS doctors (such as the CPD program), furthering SAS doctors careers. He is keen to raise the profile of SAS doctors, with a plan for all SAS doctors to have clear career paths during his time in post.
Dr Kate Aldersey - SAS Advocate
Kate is the Trustwide SAS Advocate and has been in post since November 2022. The SAS Advocate is a strategic role to promote and improve support for SAS doctor’s health and wellbeing. This includes supporting SAS doctors in their career development and making sure that being a SAS doctor at ELFT is a rewarding career option.