Information about Consultants

During your time at ELFT, the medical education department support trainers with CPD requirements. The study leave offer is available via the study leave pages here.
If you are a clinical or educational supervisor, you will have an opportunity to attend our in-house faculty development programmes throughout the year to refresh your role as a trainer. We often provide training on courses depending on the CPD need or demand, so be sure to speak to your line manager to discuss CPD needs and this is communicated the medical education team.
There are plenty of teaching and training opportunities to participate in, such as undergraduate and postgraduate clinical teaching, opportunities for general teaching in locality or team and participation in the training of other disciplines.
If you have a particular interest in research and quality improvement, more information can be found on their sections of the elft website
Mentoring is great for helping to learn new skills or enhance current skills, maximising personal and professional potential while also contributing to increased confidence, heightened self-awareness, greater wellbeing and improvements in productivity.
ELFT encourages coaching and mentoring for all staff.
Medical Mentoring can be accessed via
Revalidation is the process by which the GMC is assured by a Trust of a doctor’s fitness to practice, this will occur every 5 years. ELFT ensure that all GPs, Consultants and SAS doctors are considered for revalidation. Trainees have a separate revalidation process.
Annual appraisal is the mechanism of Revalidation. A doctor reaching their revalidation date must have demonstrated the following:
- Engagement with the process of annual appraisal
- Appraisal coves the whole scope practice
- Received satisfactory feedback from colleagues and patients
- Engagement in continuing professional development and quality improvement activity
- Awareness of serious incidents and complaints in which they has been named, and has learned from them
Please contact, Medical Appraisal and Revalidation Manager.
- To register for a SARD account
- To register for a 360 feedback
- To complete the mandatory Non-ELFT Work Form for your Revalidation, (SARD, Section 12 of your portfolio), please download, complete and sign the Non-ELFT Work Form (found on the internal medical staffing page) and return
Note that Appraisals have to be submitted to the Responsible Officer within 28 days of the Appraisal meeting otherwise the Appraisal is deemed invalid.
Faculty Development CPD courses
Date |
Course name |
Delivery |
Time |
2nd May |
Differential Attainment |
virtual |
10:00-12:30 |
6th June |
Experienced ES/CS course |
Virtual |
9:30-12:30 |
4th July |
New ES/CS course |
Face to face-Trust HQ London |
9:30-16:00 |
19th and 20th September |
Two day Advance Accredited Mentoring and Coaching |
Face to face-Trust HQ London |
10:00-16:30 |
4th October |
Educator Appraisal |
Face to face-Trust HQ London |
10:00-16:00 |
- Professional Development Framework for educators
- Multi-Source Feedback Tool for Supervisors
- The Multisource Feedback Tool
- Gold Guide
- Courses
ELFT Clinical and Educational Supervisor Appraisal Process - 2024
ELFT’s medical education department’s strategic vision is to develop the highest quality of medical education to support the Trusts overall strategy, improve the experience of providing and receiving health care for all. One of the objectives in the Five Year Medical Education Plan (2019-2024) is to improve the experience of training for all and achieving highest satisfaction rates in national and local surveys. GMC NTS surveys have identified educational supervision as an area, which needs improvement within the Trust. Medical education department has set up an educational appraisal Task and Finish Group in April 2021 and has reviewed Trust wide process for educator appraisal, governance and training.
The General Medical Council (GMC) mandates that education providers must ensure that those involved in the supervision of trainees have the necessary knowledge and skills to undertake the role. An educational appraisal (EA) is central to supporting the continuous development of supervisors.
Educational Supervisor Appraisal
Your annual medical appraisal and PDP must reflect your role as an educational supervisor, and you should demonstrate how you are continuing to develop and remain up to date as an educational supervisor.
Educational supervisors should complete Appendix 2 “5 Yearly Reflective Template for Educator Appraisals[AS1] ” at their 5 year medical revalidation cycle. Please contact medical education at email:, so an educator appraiser can be allocated.
Clinical Supervisor Appraisal
Your role as a named clinical supervisor should be discussed at each annual medical appraisal, as part of your full scope of practice. There is an expectation that your educator role is reflected in your PDP and CPD over the 5 year revalidation cycle.
Please complete the self-declaration Appendix 1“ELFT Named Clinical Supervisor Renewal Form[AS2] ” at 5 yearly revalidation cycle. Please upload the completed form on SARD and submit a copy to the medical education email:
For your Appraisal
Being an Educational or Clinical supervisor means providing evidence across 7 educational domains (from the Academy of Medical Educators). Standards 1-4 and 7 relate to Clinical Supervisors, all 7 for Educational Supervisors. The domains and examples of evidence, which should include feedback and reflection, are:
GMC Standards |
Examples of evidence |
1.Ensuring safe and effective patient care through training |
2. Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning |
3.Teaching and facilitating learning |
4.Enhancing learning through assessment |
5.Supporting and monitoring educational process |
(ES role only)
6.Guiding personal and professional development |
(ES role only)
7.Continuing professional development as an educator |
Evidence relating to third parties must be anonymised so that individuals are not identifiable.

Downloadable Resources:
Clinical and Educational Supervisor Appraisal Process