International Medical Graduates (IMGs)
International Medical Graduates in the Trust
Here you will find Resources, Information and Support for International Medical Graduates (IMGs)

Adapting to UK medical practice can be hard for any doctor, regardless of where you’re from or how experienced you are.
We recommend you complete the E-learning modules -
The E-learning module for IMGs Welcoming and Valuing International Medical Graduates: A guide to induction for IMGs recruited to the NHS prepared by NHS England (previously Health Education England or HEE) in partnership with some key stakeholders: click here; it offers several modules including one on the Mental Health Act particularly relevant to psychiatry
We also recommend you familiarise yourself with the following information -
Good Medical Practice (GMC) - You can find more information about Good Medical Practice on the GMC website click here as well as this helpful PowerPoint presentation click here
- The British Medical Association (BMA) offers specific advice and support for IMGs including: click here
- NHS employers compiled a guidance document for IMGs with information around work & training opportunities as well as Registration to the GMC and Immigration to the UK click here
Health Education England (HEE) has put together useful information for IMGs moving to the UK exploring concerns as one starts work in the UK and suggestions around Language, communication and learning click here
When you join ELFT you should be invited to the Corporate Induction (usually held every month) click here for further information.
If you have not received an invite please contact Medical Recruitment Team - who would link you with ELFT Learning and Development Team to set this up
Every site (location) also has a Local Induction which happens usually around the months of February and August each year - after starting, please speak to you supervisor to see when is the next one and try and attend this (once agreed with your supervisor - please contact Medical Education - for booking and next available dates).
ELFT Induction Pack for International Medical Graduates (IMG) with additional information
The GMC also offers a free half day workshop (online and face to face) called the’ Welcome to UK Practice’ , which is designed to help doctors new to the UK and are registered with the GMC. You can register for this workshop here
We recommend you undertake some training modules available for free through the ELFT Learning Academy portal. You can find the ELFT learning academy portal icon on trust desktops and laptops. Some examples of training available are Safer Prescribing of Medication, Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act.
We hope you are excited about moving to the UK and understand that it can be a daunting experience which can leave you with many questions and concerns.
With that in mind, this document will serve to guide and prepare you for moving to and settling in the UK. Click here
"What to expect in your first 90 days in the UK" - The British Medical Association (BMA) has put together some useful information which you can find here
As you start living and working in the UK, you might find yourself seeking advice and support. To that end, these practical tips and resources can help with additional useful information. Click here
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