Core Trainees
Core Trainees
Information about Core Trainees in London and Luton and Bedfordshire. Please scroll down the page to access links to Core Trainee Job Descriptions.

Core Trainees in London
The core trainee rotation for North East London is led by Training Programme Directors Dr Laura Checkley (ELFT) and Dr Luca Polledri (NELFT).
The scheme covers both East London NHS Foundation Trust and North East London NHS Foundation Trust. Out of a total of 90 posts, 50 are based in ELFT, spread out over the boroughs of Newham, Tower Hamlets and City and Hackney as well as specialist Forensic Services at the John Howard Centre. The MRCPsych course runs centrally in ELFT for both Trusts.
Allocations for Core Trainee posts will be made available twice a year, with posts rotating every 6 months. Please refer to the job descriptions below when making your choices. Trainees are allocated an Educational Supervisor who, when possible, accompanies them during their training period on the scheme.
There are opportunities for Core Trainees to take part in research, ELFT's very active QI programme, as well as Simulation Training and Undergraduate and other Teaching and the Medical Education Department can act as a link for these activities.
A Wednesday afternoon teaching programme runs in all boroughs and includes Case Presentations, Journal Clubs and Ballint Groups. Psychotherapy experience and supervision is also borough-led, overseen by Anastasia Apostolou, the Psychotherapy Tutor.
Core Trainee representative positions are available throughout the year, please contact your local Medical Education Coordinator if you wish to know who this is, or if you would like to become a rep.
Information on NELFT's Core Training posts can be found HERE
Core Trainees in Luton and Bedfordshire
Core Training is delivered via a small, friendly scheme with ample opportunities to develop your clinical and academic skills. The scheme covers the whole of Bedfordshire and Luton, offering a wide range of posts from acute psychiatric wards in towns to community clinics covering more rural communities.
Whilst trainees in Bedfordshire/Luton are employed by ELFT they are under the East of England Deanery for all matters related to training, we have 15 Core Training posts in total due to recent time limited expansion.The Core Trainee rotation for Luton and Bedfordshire is lead by TPD Dr Sen Kallumpuram, Consultant Psychiatrist.
Allocations for Core Trainee posts will be made available twice a year, with posts rotating every 6 months. Trainees are allocated an Educational Supervisor who supports them during their training period.
There are opportunities for Core Trainees to take part in research, ELFT's QI programme, simulation training, undergraduate and other teaching. Trainees are able to attend a variety of teaching sessions delivered by both the EoE Deanery as well as ELFTs Medical Education Faculty.
There is also a comprehensive teaching programme in Bedfordshire and Luton, which is held on Wednesday afternoons. This county-wide teaching programme is held centrally at Wrest Park, Silsoe and is structured to allow teams (comprising consultant, trainees and other team members) to host an afternoon of learning about a particular case and topic. Most of the training was delivered virtually during 2020 to 2022, however we are continuing with a hybrid model with a mixture of face teaching sessions
Our Psychotherapy supervision is provided on a weekly basis by a Consultant Medical Psychotherapist, Dr Roberts Klotins, who arranges suitable short and long cases for Core Trainees. In addition, there is a weekly Balint Group that follows the psychotherapy supervision.