This training has been developed for Dance Movement Psychotherapists and Body Psychotherapists in order to enable them to deliver a novel manualised intervention strategy. More info: Training events for DMP and BPT practitioners.
We are providing comprehensive manual trainings for the delivery of this intervention strategy (“Strategies for better living groups”), tailored towards the specific characteristics of this patient group, utilising the existing evidence base regarding body oriented psychological therapies (BOPT).
Staunton (2002) introduced the basic principle in BOPT as follows: "It is demonstrated...that the fundamental premise in body psychotherapy is that core beliefs are embodied, and that until we begin to experience the pain held in them directly through our bodies they will continue to run our lives, even if we mentally understand them..."
“The connection between emotions and bodily states must be made at the affective and cognitive levels by the patients themselves…Physical therapies may also be effective in helping patients to make the breakthrough to a new level of understanding, without the requirements of verbalisation” (McWhiney et al. 1997)
See Events section for dates and venues and how to register.
Please click on the link below to download the manual underpinning the body oriented psychological intervention strategy for MUS and an example of the therapeutic work from a therapist: