Comparison of subjective quality of life domains in schizophrenia, mood, and anxiety disorders; an individual patient data meta-analysis (Priebe, McNamee, 2024)
Jerome Lauren Matanov Aleksandra Bird Victoria Priebe Stefan McNamee Philip.
Psychiatry Research 2024;332 1-9.
This study sought to compare satisfaction with different subjective quality of life domains across individuals with three different mental health disorders. Samples from four separate studies were combined to conduct a one-step individual patient data meta-analysis. 5329 individuals with either a schizophrenia ( n = 1839), mood ( n = 1650), or anxiety disorder ( n = 1840) were included. Mean satisfaction ratings for each life domain were compared across disorders. Associations between satisfaction ratings and personal characteristics were investigated using multivariable mixed effect models. Results showed that individuals with an anxiety disorder had the widest range of scores and reported lower satisfaction in most domains compared to those with a schizophrenia or mood disorder. Individuals with a schizophrenia disorder rated domains to do with ‘others’, such as relationships with family and sex life, as lower than individuals with a mood or anxiety disorder. Satisfaction ratings were often more impacted by personal characteristics, such as employment status, than by diagnostic category. These results demonstrate that specific life areas are impacted differently in the three mental health disorders studied. However, further research needs to consider the impact of personal characteristics across disorders, and the subjective quality of life in individuals with anxiety disorders in particular warrants further investigation.