Developments in Group Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (Lee, 2023)
Rufat M.J., Radcliffe J., Lee T., Martius P., Fertuck E., Arango I., Lappe H., Ripoll E., Yeomans F.E.
Psychodynamic psychiatry 2023;51(3): 311-329.
Several evidence-based psychotherapies for personality disorders have been developed in recent decades, including transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP), a contemporary model of psychodynamic psychotherapy developed by Otto Kernberg. Kernberg established Group TFP (TFP-G) as an alternative or adjunct treatment to individual TFP. Although not yet manualized, TFP-G is used in publicly and privately funded mental health services, including outpatient clinics, subacute hospitals, therapeutic inpatient units, partial hospitalization services, and rehabilitation services serving people with borderline personality. Kernberg's model of TFP-G psychotherapy, its application in clinical settings, and what differentiates it from other group psychotherapy models is described as well as illustrated with some examples useful to practitioners.