Digital literacy in contemporary mental healthcare: Online assessments and mobile health apps (Bhattacharya, Rigby, 2024)
Tracy D.K. Gadelrab R. Rahim A. Pendlebury G. Reza H. Bhattacharya R. Bachlani A. Worlley K. Rigby D. Heath M. Dave S.
BJPsych Advances 2024;30(1): 27-35.
'Digital' is an omnipresent yet often vague, misunderstood or feared topic in health services. There are many current and potential gains for individual patients and local populations, clinicians and organisations through optimisation of digital technologies. We argue that understanding the various aspects of digital psychiatry is an essential contemporary need. This is the first of two articles on the subject, exploring the gains and challenges of virtual/online assessments, including ethical considerations and the use of virtual reality and electronic prescribing.Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.