Non-Positive Experiences Encountered By Pupils During Participation In A Mindfulness-Informed School-Based Intervention (Medicott, 2023)
Miller E., Crane C., Medlicott E., Robson J., Taylor L.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2023;57(1 Supplement): 174-175.
Background: Mindfulness-informed school-based mental health (MH) curricula show much promise in cultivating a positive school climate which supports the well-being and mental health of pupils and staff (Tudor et al., 2022). However, non-positive pupil outcomes and experiences of school-based MH interventions are often under-recognised and under-reported (Stallard et al., 2013).
Objective(s): To capture non-positive pupil experiences of a popular mindfulness-informed curriculum.
Method(s): The project was designed with a qualitative methodological approach, namely ethnographically derived case studies (Yin, 1994). The data set was coded using interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) (Smith et al., 2009). Finding(s): Some pupils across all schools in the study described non-positive experiences, including having troubling thoughts and emotions, and not finding the programme effective. Contexts surrounding these experiences are also explored and linked to existing literature.
Conclusion(s): Recommendations for improvements in mindfulness-informed curriculums are made. Issues around researching complex health interventions are also explored.