Prevention, identification, and management of surgical wound dehiscence: Early intervention and treatment (Dowsett, 2024)
Dowsett, C.
Wounds UK; Nov2024, Vol. 20 Issue 4, p20-24, 5p
Surgical wound dehiscence (SWD) is a surgical wound complication (SWC) that is varied and multi-dimensional and is often under-reported, particularly when it occurs in the community setting. It has a significant impact on patient wellbeing and quality of life, often delaying discharge, increasing the risk of mortality and impaired psychological wellbeing (Correa et al, 2016; World Union of Wound Healing Societies [WUWHS], 2018). Early intervention with the correct treatment can reduce the negative impact on the patient, free up clinical time and reduce cost. This article is the third in a series focusing on early intervention and treatment of SWD based on consensus recommendations (WUWHS, 2018; Morgan-Jones et al, 2023). Previous articles in the series have focused on prevention, risk assessment and identification of SWD and the importance of surveillance. Early intervention and treatment of SWD relies on good surveillance and reliable strategies for prevention and risk assessment to optimise treatments and improved patient outcomes.