Which life domains are people with major depression satisfied or dissatisfied with? An individual patient data meta-analysis (McNameee, 2023)
Jerome L., McNamee P., Matanov A., Bird V., Priebe S.
Journal of Affective Disorders 2023;338 459-465.
Background: People with depression tend to score low on measures of subjective quality of life (SQoL) which has been suggested to reflect a general negative bias of perception. However, studies do not tend to investigate specific life domains. This study investigated satisfaction with life domains in people with major depression and explored influential factors.
Method(s): A one-step individual patient data meta-analysis combined data of 1710 people with major depression from four studies. In all studies, SQoL was measured on the Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life, which provides satisfaction ratings with 12 life domains. Associations between individual characteristics and satisfaction ratings were investigated using univariable and multivariable models.
Result(s): Mean satisfaction ratings varied across life domains. Participants expressed dissatisfaction with several domains but expressed satisfaction with others, mainly for domains associated with close relationships. Some of the investigated characteristics were consistently associated with satisfaction ratings across the domains.
Limitation(s): The primary limitation of this study was in the analysis of individual characteristics, which were chosen based on identification in existing literature and availability in our datasets, and of which several were dichotomised to have sufficiently large numbers which may have resulted in lost nuance in the results.
Conclusion(s): People with major depression distinguish between their satisfaction with different life domains and are particularly satisfied with their close relationships. This challenges the notion of a general negative appraisal of life in this group, and highlights the need to evaluate satisfaction with different life domains separately.Copyright © 2023 The Authors