Children and Adolescents
Equality, Diversity, Inclusion
Mental & Emotional Health
Which personal and social resources help adolescents to recover from negative affect in daily life? An experience sampling study (Priebe, 2024)
Holt, NJ., Flórez-Varela, Á., Gómez-Restrepo, C., Godoy-Casasbuenas, N., Toyama, M., DS., Fung, C., Priebe, S.
Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health. Nov2024, p1-22. 22p.
Reducing anxiety and depression in adolescents is a global health priority. Personal and social resources (e.g., hobbies and socialising) may reduce distress. Yet, there is insufficient understanding of how adolescents use such resources to reduce distress.
Objective: To identify resources that reduced distress in the everyday lives of adolescents and whether resource use differed according to symptoms of anxiety and depression.