Organisations in Newham
London Borough of Newham Children's Services
Special Educational Needs and Local Offer
Educational Health Care Plans (London Borough of Newham)
Educational Health Care Plan Support (Barnardos)
Newham Early Start Parenting Team
NHS Information; including local services and contact information
Speech and Language/Communication Support
British Stammering Association
Michael Palin centre for Stammering
NAPLIC - Professionals supporting language and communication development
National Deaf Children’s Society
Action for Children - children's charity that supports and speaks out for the UK's most vulnerable children and young people
Contact a family - provides support, advice and information for families with disabled children, no matter what their condition or disability.
The Literacy Trust - independent charity that transforms lives through literacy
ICAN - works to support the development of speech, language and communication skills in all children with a special focus on those who find this hard: children with speech, language and communication needs.