Our service provides care for young people who present with severe or complex mental health difficulties. Some young people may already be known to community CAMHS but may require an inpatient admission to provide more intensive assessment and treatment.
We provide a holistic approach to assessment and treatment. We have an extensive multidisciplinary team including doctors, nurses, OTs, psychologists, family therapists, art and drama therapists, social workers, a fitness instructor, a dietician and education. Each young person will receive a comprehensive assessment, leading to a bespoke individual care and treatment plan. We work closely with other agencies such as community CAMHS, Social Care, Education, Youth Offending Teams, General Hospitals and adult services.
We work with a recovery model whereby we involve young people and their carers and families from the outset in the care they receive. The length of admission can vary depending on the young person’s needs. Adolescence is a time of considerable developments in a young person’s life and we aim to reintegrate them back to their families and schools as soon as possible.
We offer a broad range of interventions including:
- Highly specialised Psychiatric assessments and treatment
- Specialised psychology assessments and individual therapy including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mentalisation, Occupational Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Art and Drama Therapy
- A rich therapeutic group programme comprising of sessions on psychoeducation, healthy lifestyle, social skills, creative activities, sports and leisure activities
- Systemic and Family Therapy and parenting support
- On-site education managed by Newham Education and providing an extensive range of subjects to suit a variety of abilities. Our teaching staff liaise closely with each young person’s own school or college with the aim of successfully reintegrating the young person back into education in the community by the time of discharge
- Effective liaison, discharge and aftercare planning in collaboration with the community teams starting from the point of admission