FOR MORE information please contact the Telehealth Team on 020 8536 2335.
Our operational hours are Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) – Here to help
The Trust aims to put patients at the heart of everything we do and provide the highest standards of care. We want to hear what you think to help us improve the services we provide. We are keen to hear when things have not gone well so we can learn from your experience. It is also good to hear when things have gone well so that we can build on good practice.
PALS is a confidential service which supports patients, relatives, carers or members of the public to get advice and information about our services and in navigating the NHS. Download our PALS leaflet here
PALS can help when you have concerns about the treatment and care we provide, when you need advice or don't know where to turn.
PALS provides confidential advice:
- To help you sort out any problems or issues you may have with a Trust service
- To enable you to make decisions about your care and treatment
PALS staff have a lot of knowledge and experience in sorting out problems that patients encounter with our services. They work closely with Trust staff to make sure you get the information you need. They aim to resolve concerns quickly, by liaising and working with staff.
Complaints & Positive Feedback
If you have complaints or concerns you would like to raise, the East London NHS Foundation Trust has a Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) team. They can be contacted as follows:
FREEPHONE 0800 783 4839 or Email:
For more information on ELFT's PALS service please visit this link: ELFT PALS Service>>
Positive Feedback
It is nice to acknowledge when your care and management has gone well. Staff value hearing that their efforts have benefited service users or when their approach has made a difference. So you can contact the PALS department to ask them to give your feedback. We will always pass on your comments.
You can tell us about your views on what we do well and what we could do better by providing feedback about your experience. We will then be able to make sure that changes to the way we deliver care are driven by what matters to you.
If you or someone you are caring for use one of our services, please click the link to complete a short survey. Your feedback is anonymous.