Funder: National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
Investigators: Victoria Jane Bird, Stefan Priebe, Aneeta Pasha, Sanyia Saleem, Padmatavi Ramachandran, Lakshmi Venkatraman, Paul Heritage, Ashar Malik, Sarah Evans-Lacko, Swaran Singh
Care for people with psychosis in India and Pakistan exists almost exclusively in conventional inpatient facilities, where patients can stay for long periods removed from their social context and without effective psychosocial interventions. PIECEs will explore, adapt, and test a low-cost, app-based approach (DIALOG+) that makes use of existing resources to improve community-based care for patients with psychosis and reduce the need for institutionalisation. The overall aim of PIECEs is to improve the quality of community-based care for people with psychosis in India and Pakistan by adapting and testing this approach, and up-scaling through the use of participatory arts methodologies and community engagement.
Contact: Renata Peppl (