We no longer require staff, service users, patients or visitors to wear a mask on a ward or on NHS premises.
However we do ask that you defer your visit or let the service know if you have symptoms that might be COVID. We can rebook your appointment.
When attending our premises, use the hand gels available.
Appointments: Many of our appointments will take place online to make better use of your time and prevent the need to spend time travelling. But if you would prefer a face-to-face appointment, please make this known.
For the most up to date national information and guidance, visit NHS UK or GOV.UK.
Staying Well
Handwashing Use hand gels or wash your hands after using public transport or touch points used by others such as cash point buttons, lifts buttons, handles, handrails. Handwashing remains a key way to keep well and reduce the chance of picking up or spreading infection.
Get your COVID vaccination You can access a booster COVID vaccination at any of the national COVID vaccination centres if you have been contacted as eligible. Book online here to get vaccinated.
Return to Being Social Many of us got out of the habit of catching up with family and friends during lockdown. But spending time socialising, exercising or walking in parks and gardens with others does make you feel connected and can lift your mood.
Mental Health Crisis: Get help in an emergency.