Self Referral ELFT Community Health Services
Referral criteria
Patients previously seen by continence, but just need to re-order pads.
How does the patient self-refer?
Call 0800 030 44 66 OR if discharged from the NHS supply chain ask the patient to call continence service 0207 771 5795.
Our Referral Criteria
- DIABETIC foot issues i.e. numbness in feet due to nerve damage
- CIRCULATION PROBLEMS Affecting the feet i.e. diagnosed vascular or arterial disease
- Congenital (issue from birth) FOOT DEFORMITY that will not fit into a retail shoe REQUIRING FOOTWEAR
- Diagnosed significant MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES or Learning Disabilities
How does the patient self-refer
Email referral form from to or by hand/post to:
Tower Hamlets Foot Health
2nd Floor, Yellow Zone
Grove Building
Mile End Hospital
Bancroft Road
E1 4DG
Patients can call 020 77715775 if any questions about self-referring.
Our Referral Criteria
- Blisters and sores
- Discharging and infected wounds
- Inflamed areas such as acute in-growing toenails
How does the patient self-refer
Mon-Fri (excluding bank holidays) at Mile End Hospital, Foot Health Department. To ensure treatment they must be present at 8.30am. Service users should please bring their NHS Number for speedy registration for care.
Our Referral Criteria
- Adults aged 18 and over who have fallen in their home environment
How does the patient self-refer
Call NHS 111
Our Referral Criteria
- Frequent visits to GP and/or requests for a home visit
- Complex care needs including end-of-life care
- Patients who self-neglect or are at risk of neglect and hard to engage
- Patients who could be taught to self-manage
- Patients with social issues that impact on health
How does the patient self-refer
- Email:
- Telephone: 0300 033 5000 and ask for the Care Navigation Service
Our Referral Criteria
- Adults over 18 with a diagnosis of cancer
- Complex health and social care needs
- Are vulnerable and isolated
How does the patient self-refer
- Email:
- Telephone: 0300 033 5000 and ask for the Care Navigation Service