Helpful Resources
Helpful resources
Resources on coping with a cancer diagnosis, carer's information, links, citizens advice and more.

- Macmillan Cancer and Palliative Care Psychology Service leaflet
- Macmillan Cancer and Palliative Care Psychology Service leaflet - Bangla
- Macmillan Cancer and Palliative Care Psychology Service leaflet - Hindi
- Macmillan Cancer and Palliative Care Psychology Service leaflet - Polish
- Macmillan Cancer and Palliative Care Psychology Service leaflet - Urdu
The Macmillan Psychology Service has developed a series of videos to help and support you, your carers and family, with your cancer diagnosis.
In these videos we explore the process of adjustment, how cancer impacts you and those around you, some strategies to help you cope and how to access
additional support.
Chapter 1 Coping with a diagnosis
Chapter 2 - What is a normal reaction
Chapter 3 - Impact of Cancer Diagnosis
Resource: Cancer and your sex life
Chapter 4 - Strategies for managing difficult emotions
Resource: Positive Steps to Wellbeing
Resource: The Worry Tree
Resource: Postpone Your Worry
Chapter 5 - Strategies for managing negative emotions (part 2)
Mindful breathing
Mindful breathing - 5 minutes
Mindful breathing - 10 minutes
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Progressive muscle relaxation – 6 minutes
Progressive muscle relaxation – 15 minutes
Imagery and visualisation
Guided imagery - 10 minutes
Guided imagery – 15 minutes
Chapter 6 - What if I need extra support?
Macmillan Cancer Support information is available on the Macmillan website or they can be contacted on 0808 808 00 00 (every day 8am-8pm). There is also the ability to chat to cancer information and support specialists online.
- Recovery College
- Managing the Stress of Cancer Article
- After the Treatment Finishes- then what? Article
- Mental Wellbeing Resources for Children and Young People
Carer’s Information
Supporting your child through your cancer diagnosis:
Links & Other Helpful Organisations
Equality and Diversity: