Blue Monday is an annual day that is regarded as ‘the most difficult day of the year.’ Although as most of us are aware, we can have a difficult day anytime of the year, not just on a Monday.
However, this day is a great time to remind ourselves and the people in our lives to acknowledge and address feelings of depression and low mood.
Reach out
Connect with your family and friends. Not just for yourself, but to check that they are not struggling silently. The Samaritans celebrate ‘Brew Monday’ on January 15. This is to encourage people to invite their friends round for a cup of tea (or a glass of orange juice, whatever you fancy!), to check in and to offer a non-judgemental ear.
ELFT Talking Therapies
If you’re someone who has experienced (or is experiencing) mental health difficulties, maybe now is the time to access the support you deserve.
Talking Therapies is a service aimed for people aged 18+ and are experiencing common mental health problems, including depression and anxiety. The service offers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as well as a range of difficult therapy modalities- either individual or group sessions.
How do I access help?
- Bedfordshire Talking Therapies- 01234 880400 from Monday to Friday, or via the Self-Referral Form
- City and Hackney Talking Therapies- 020 8510 8287 from Monday to Friday, or email
- Tower Hamlets talking Therapies- 0208 175 1770 from Monday to Friday, or via the Self-Referral Form
- Newham Talking Therapies- 0208 175 1770 from Monday to Friday, or via the Self-Referral From
You can feel ‘blue’ at any time of the year, don’t suffer in silence. ELFT is here to support you every day of the year.