Primary care and QI teams met at the IHI's annual visit on 8 February 2023, which was one of several visits to teams and directorates across the Trust as part of the IHI's annual visit to ELFT.
During the visit, the joy and magic of QI was embraced and enjoyed by the ELFT primary care directorate teams across East London, Luton and Bedfordshire. The focus was on reaching hard to reach population groups and tapping into the community's asset potentials to improve healthcare for all.
The IHI's visit was a shining example of the ELFT primary care directorate's commitment to the Fuller Review principles and their use of QI to improve cervical screening attendance. The Trust is breaking new ground by using QI to change the ability of primary care to improve the health of the local population.
"We are breaking new ground using QI. We are transforming primary care's ability to enhance the health of our local population through the power of QI. Each person who is screened represents a life saved, and this is a valuable outcome both financially and in terms of service, but most importantly, it has a significant impact on the individual and the overall population", said Dr Mohit Venkataram, Executive Director for Primary Care.
The sense of pride and achievement among the teams was palpable as they shared their progress in using QI tools to improve community population health. The discussion was a testament to the power of QI to bring about meaningful and lasting change in healthcare. The session on 'Reducing Healthcare Inequalities' was facilitated by Helen Street, the new Improvement Advisor for primary care.
Keywords such as equity, equality, community population health, and how to reach wider populations were discussed in-depth, highlighting the importance of QI in driving positive change in primary care. The IHI visit was a resounding success and a demonstration of the team's commitment to making a real difference to the lives of their patients.
During the event, the primary care directorate was honoured to have Patti Harvey, Senior VP of IHI, as a special guest. Patti provided a valuable insight into the meaning of equity and equality and shared her insightful opinions on the topic. The team was inspired by her words and her visit added further value to the already successful IHI QI event.
Joyce, a service user at Cauldwell Medical Centre who attended the visit, expressed gratitude for the cervical screening services provided by the surgery and the care she received. The staff made the process easy and accessible, and as a result, Joyce feels like she is taking control of her own health.
Padma Wignesvaran, GP Lead at the Greenhouse Practice said: "As a practitioner, it is intriguing to peer into the projects other practices are tackling. With our busy focus on our own work, it was enlightening to see what other practices are working on. In particular, it was inspiring to see how the work of QI can be adapted to our local population."
Dr Amar Shah, Chief Quality Officer at ELFT, shared his QI top tip:
"Think about your population. Identify one group of people who are not receiving the access, experience or outcome they deserve. Understand their needs deeply. Consider partnering with and working with your communities to provide them with the quality care they deserve."