It was an amazing turnout with over 300 people attending the event, including students and their families, tutors as well as alumni who returned to reminisce and celebrate the achievements of others. The children particularly enjoyed the face painting, animal encounters, henna and Miss Ballooniverse!
Recovery College manager, Jessica Prakash said: ‘It was so amazing to be able to hold this event in person again and to be around so many valuable people within our community. It was lovely to see families come together and to have more members of the Tower Hamlets community included in the event since starting our Young Adult Learning Stream and Community Inclusion Bengali/Somali Learning Streams. We hope next year's event is even bigger! Thank you to everyone who helped out in every way to make this day a success.’
If you would like further information, please visit the Tower Hamlets Recovery College page
The Community Mental Health Transformation Programme provides funding to the Tower Hamlets Recovery College to support the minority groups through two learning streams: The Young Adult and Community Inclusion Bengali/Somali Learning Stream.
The work aligns with the recommendations of the Let’s Talk Report, co-produced by BAME People Participation Lead, Sam Ogunkoya as well as service users. The report suggested improving access to mental health services and community spaces for people from minority backgrounds, which will help to aid their recovery.
The BAME men’s gardening group, which has been hugely popular over the summer months, is another example of the outreach activities supported by the Recovery College.