The Trust found that correspondence routinely sent to GPs following a patient/service user consultation failed to be delivered in some cases due to a system issue. All letters have now been sent electronically to GP practices. We apologise to anyone who was affected by this breakdown or who had to follow-up appointments with phone calls to obtain information,
Letters from the Trust are automatically emailed to update the individual's doctor and primary care team. The breakdown occurred from 2 December 2023 to 30 January 2024.
GP colleagues have been contacted to advise them of the issue. This has been recorded as a safety incident in the Trust as the absence of timely information may have affected clinical decision-making or resulted in the need for the GP to contact services to clarify the management of a patient or service user. Or the individual may have had to call their team to seek advice.
We have received assurance from our system supplier that they have put mitigations in place to prevent this happening again and that system alerts are in place in the event of any future issue.
Once again, we apologise to anyone who was affected by this incident. Please discuss any concerns you have about your care and treatment with the healthcare or social care professional responsible for your care.