The Specialist Children and Young People's (SCYPS) team in Newham used a combination of ELFT Charity and Roald Dahl Children’s Charity funding to provide a magnificent networking day for families with a sick or disabled child.
The event took place on 31 August in Stratford Park which is just opposite the SCYPS team's base on West Ham Lane. It included activities for siblings, who's needs can often be secondary when they have an ill sibling, and a chance for parents to meet other parents, staff and voluntary sector organisations that can support them.
The event had representatives from Scope, Mencap, the Roald Dahl Children’s Charity and other organisations that can provide much-needed support to families. The event also had the support of members of the therapy, medical and nursing teams from SCYPS as well as the Specialist Health Visiting, who were able to spend informal time with families and run some crafting/activity areas. Interpreters in Dakha, Sylheti and Urdu facilitated discussion so that families could get the best use of their time with stall holders. A visit by a fairy was especially popular!
There were a small number of Bikeworks bikes adapted for children with disabilities and henna and hair braiding for children. West Ham FC outreach facilitated some fun football drills and a forest school facilitator provided some exploration of the park site and nature-based activities.
The event provided much-needed fun too. Children with disabilities and health issues spend a lot of time in waiting rooms and consultation rooms, as do their parents/guardians. Parent can feel quite isolated and feel they are the only ones navigating the services their child needs. So the fun day was space to relax, socialise and meet others in a similar situation for mutual support.