We are now urgently seeking applications from individuals interested in volunteering in Uganda before the end of January 2023.
Over the last two years, because of COVID and UK Gov FCDO cuts in funding for overseas aid, the Global Health Partnership (GHP) has received limited external funding for UK health volunteers to implement new projects in Uganda. We have been keeping the work with our Ugandan colleagues going by phone and regular zoom meetings, particularly to sustain our relationship with all specialities at Butabika Hospital, the Advanced Diploma in CAMHS, work with refugees, child trauma treatment and peer support.
As you will see from the details in the attached bid it has been difficult to continue our support and development work on the very busy child and adolescent training ward since our last long term volunteer left in June 2020 and this will be the focus of this project which has to be completed by 31 January 2023.
The project requires us to have a lead from the Ugandan diaspora with a very tight timescale!
We are seeking 4 volunteers to travel to Uganda, 2 short and 2 longer term, ideally all with significant experience in child and adolescent mental health. The project team must include
- an experienced professional from the UK Ugandan Diaspora as project lead*
- a senior nurse with in-patient experience, ideally on an adolescent ward*
- two volunteers from any CAMHS discipline*
Unless able to volunteer for longer, we anticipate the project lead(s) will make short visits to co-design the project and /or review in January to enhance sustainability. They will then support and manage the project from the UK while the project is implemented by two volunteers over a period of 2-3 months in conjunction with our colleagues at Butabika.
*We welcome applicants from any background with relevant experience. Previous experience with the Uganda GHP, other project work and volunteering in LMICs, especially Uganda, will be advantageous in addition to specific professional experience.
To develop a balanced team, we will need to be flexible in the recruitment process depending on the applicants' experience and availability to take leave from their posts at such short notice. For example, if the diaspora lead is a nurse or senior professional in an adult in-patient setting but has little experience in CAMHS, they could be matched with a senior professional who can provide CAMHS expertise.
Project Structure - Advice and support
- Dr Harriet Birabwa, Senior consultant at Butabika, Ugandan project co-coordinator and has a special interest in adolescent mental health services
- Dr Alyson Hall and Edmund Koboah are the UK project co-ordinators.
- Dr Rafik Refaat, Consultant at the Coburn Adolescent Unit, in-patient CAMHS advisory role. Will oversee preparatory visits and adaptation of experience, procedures and protocols at Coburn Adolescent Unit, invaluable for the volunteers.
- Ms Christine Kakai, Senior Clinical Teaching Fellow / Lecturer King’s College London with previous CAMHS training in Butabika programmes will play a key learning and development role.
Please express your interest in volunteering for the project in an email with your cv attached.
The Trust has previously supported volunteers with study leave and unpaid leave for longer term volunteers and values highly such GHP contributions. However, any leave of absence will need to be discussed and agreed with your manager to ensure NHS clinical services are covered.
Please see the attached grant application and paper describing the child mental health work by the GHP and Ugandan colleagues. Please email any other requests for information.
Please send to:
Mr Edmund Koboah - Global Health Partnerships Manager - e.koboah@nhs.net
Dr Alyson Hall - Child Psychiatrist - hallyandoli@doctors.org.uk