Health E1 Homeless Medical Centre in Tower Hamlets is appealing for donations in aid of its Homeless Christmas Fair, which will be held on December 8, 2023 at 9-11 Brick Lane, E16PU from 10 am to 2 pm.
The practice is seeking donations of non-perishable food items, winter essentials (clean and good condition), sanitary and hygiene products, toiletries, and new sleeping bags. These items will go a long way in helping the Health E1 practice's service users prepare for the colder months.
Donations can be dropped off at the practice at 9-11 Brick Lane. Those seeking additional information on how to contribute can call the practice on 02072470090.
The fair will serve as a comprehensive hub of health and assistance, offering help to those living in hostels or supported housing, as well as those who are rough sleeping, sofa surfing, or spending significant amounts of time on the streets.
Hot food and drinks will be provided on the day of the event, along with Christmas donations for the homeless, social care consultations, vaccinations, and a range of other health services available.
"Our practice team along with partner organisations are deeply committed to innovatively supporting our community's most vulnerable individuals," said Laura Pisaneschi, Advanced Clinical Practitioner and Nurse Prescriber at the practice.
"This year's fair aims to strengthen partnerships and broaden the circle of support throughout Tower Hamlets," she added.
Health E1 Homeless Medical Centre is part of East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) and serves anyone in Tower Hamlets experiencing homelessness, living in temporary accommodation, or are vulnerably housed.