Tom Baker and Tremaine Gibson from the John Howard Centre (JHC) competed against chefs from across the country in the finals of the national contest in York on October 18.
They won through regional heats that involved more than 70 chefs. Their innovative approach has received glowing feedback from both service users and staff at the JHC, who appreciate the fresh flavours that have become hallmark of their culinary creations.
“Tom and Tremaine have managed to improve quality and presentation at little or no cost by knowing what is important to service users.” JHC service director Lawford Clough.
Apprentice Chef Tremaine has a long-standing connection with the JHC, having worked as a healthcare assistant on the wards.
The JHC composts its waste, some of it is used by the Occupational Therapists on site, and some exchanged. This means that the vegetables that are used are very fresh, Tom then does his magic and turns what is grown into great food.
Staff at the JHC embrace the Food is Medicine doctrine and believe in providing the best for our service users.
In time, they hope to up-skill their staff in the regeneration kitchens working in partnership with Apetito.
The NHS Chef of the Year competition celebrates culinary excellence and fosters growth in culinary expertise across healthcare settings.