Its focus is to support service users in developing their strengths to ensure that they get the best out of life. This service will not only support the individuals themselves but also their carers. It will also provide support to teams in ELFT and the NELFT.
This service will be provided as a Care Coordination of service users leaving inpatient forensic services as well as well as joint casework with other teams. This includes teams such as Community Learning Disability Services, CMHTs and criminal justice services. Alongside all of this, the team will provide an in reach for service users in inpatient forensic services who are approaching discharge from hospital.
How will the service benefit the service users and ELFT teams
The aim is to inform court reports to improve and create better outcomes for the service users. To do this, the new service will use their knowledge and time to try to keep individuals active at home. The service can also provide with consultation and training. Another aim of the new Forensic Community Learning Disability and Autism service is to reduce admission and readmission to hospital - again aiming for more service users to have a meaningful typical daily life and be part of their community.