Over two hundred GPs and primary care colleagues from across the healthcare industry attended a successful Future of Primary Care webinar via Zoom, LinkedIn, and YouTube led by Dr Mohit Venkataram, ELFT Executive Director for Primary Care on Wednesday, April 19 at 7 pm.
The keynote speakers and guests were Geraldine Hoban and Dr. Phil Wallek from the Foundry Healthcare Lewes.
The webinar focused on the amazing work being done in primary care and showcased the innovative approach of The Foundry, a single practice Primary Care Network in the Lewes and Ringmer area of East Sussex. The Foundry uses a systematic approach to patient segmentation based on red, amber, and green status and models their capacity around clinical needs to prevent and keep people well, rather than to react to illnesses.
The webinar was a great opportunity for GPs to learn about The Foundry's model and its success in improving patient outcomes. Dr. Phil Wallek and Geraldine Hoban, GP and Clinical Director, and Managing Director at the Foundry respectively, shared their journey of transformation and the importance of collaboration between organisations and people. They emphasised the value of using digital tools and thinking to hold onto continuity, small team working, and working at scale.
The Foundry's model is a population health management approach to primary care that uses segmentation and RAG rating to identify complex patients and provide proactive, holistic care. The RAG rating is an organic process that is done on a daily basis based on clinical contact, using SNOMED codes that are linked to the RAG rating. The green patients, who make up 70% of the practice list, are dealt with over the phone and don't usually need to come in, which reduces the DNA (Did Not attend) rate.
During the webinar, attendees asked about the implementation of the RAG rating system, the DNA rate, and the role of clinicians in leadership. The Foundry's model was praised for its simplicity, trust, and relationship-building in delivering population health and good patient care.
Dr. Venkataram expressed his excitement about the success of the webinar: "I was thrilled to see such a great turnout and engagement from our audience. It was inspiring to hear from Geraldine and Dr. Phil to learn about their innovative approach to patient care. The Foundry model is a testament to the power of collaboration, technology, and a patient-cantered approach. I am proud that our webinar was able to bring together healthcare professionals from across the country to learn from one another and to inspire positive change in our industry."
Overall, the successful webinar provided valuable insights and showcased the inspiring work being done by The Foundry on the benefits of collaborative working and digital tools in improving patient outcomes and reducing costs in the healthcare system.
The next session is on May 17, featuring Former Deputy Director for People and Communities at NHS England. Register now >>