"BLMK ICS is looking for people with lived experience of using health and care services in BLMK to help develop our system strategy. We will be holding a BLMK co-production workshop on the 20th July from 12-3:00pm at the Rufus Centre in Flitwick.
Our system strategy will set our ambition for improving population health over the next 10 – 20 years and will provide the basis for our future plans, including the five year local NHS plan to be published in March 2023.
We are keen to ensure that our residents, and those with experience of using health and care services in BLMK, are involved as equal partners in developing this strategy.
We are planning a widescale engagement in the early autumn on emerging themes in the strategy, but would also like to get views, upfront, on what local people think this should include.
The workshop on the 20th will provide an opportunity for people explore what the NHS, local authorities and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector should be working together to achieve for our population health, and how we might need to work together differently to do this.
We are looking for people with experience of using health and care services in BLMK, and with an interest and/or experience in supporting co-production.
We would like people collectively to represent the diversity of our population, and therefore particularly welcome attendance from people from specific communities, or with an interest in specific health and care pathways, which are often under-represented.
People interested in attending should contact Sue.O'Callaghan@mind-blmk.org.uk for more information and an invite."