Take a look at some of the ways our parents, carers, and service users engage in People Participation:
We have 12 trained interview panellists who regularly sit on interview panels when recruiting new staff.
We have trained participants to become workshop facilitators to co-facilitate ASC parent workshops with clinicians.
Participants have co-produced material for staff and parent training.
Participants have been involved in commissioning voluntary community services for SCYPS.
The CHATA research project is looking to move ASC assessments partially/fully online. Participants have been engaged in testing the usability of this new process in practice and have helped to make the process more user friendly.
Some of our participants have been involved with translating our service documents into Bangla and Urdu.
5 participants attended the SCYPS Away Days to provide whole service feedback, but to also consult on improvements.
Participants consulted in Newham’s Local offer refresh.
Participants have been involved in improving the way we collect feedback as a service.
Attended SCYPS website governance meeting in order to co-produce a working template.
Our participants reviewed and co-produced the 23 service accreditation standards which SCYPS service delivery is assessed against.