ALE expands on ELFT’s innovative work with People Participation and Medical Education and is working to strengthen partnership collaboration with our clinical partners and external organisations and developing our work across all services and professional groups in the Trust.
The Academy of Lived Experience provides an excellent opportunity for service users and carers to develop, and gain skills and confidence for future opportunities like employment and education.
Through ALE we are aiming to achieve successful outcomes for everyone involved including;
- Enhanced staff/student learning and development
- Improved staff/student/Lived Experience Expert satisfaction and opportunity
- Multiple benefits for service users include confidence building, better recovery prospects, learning new skills, employment opportunities as well as enhanced care.
ALE was shortlisted for a Patient Experience Network National Award (PENNA)
ALE provides simulation training
You can contact ALE by email: or by emailing: Upma Monga who is the Academy of Lived Experience Lead