Further Information
National resources
https://www.yourcovidrecovery.nhs.uk/ - Helps patients to understand what has happened and what they might expect as part of their recovery. Has a range of information on how to stay well such as eating and sleeping well, getting moving again and managing daily activities.
https://www.longcovid.org/ - A patient support group with a range of information and patient stories.
https://covidpatientsupport.lthtr.nhs.uk/ - Lancashire COVID Patient Support is a resource that has been developed by a group of health professionals at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals. The purpose of the website is to support individuals with their initial recovery from COVID-19. It includes a range of exercises, advice and tips.
https://www.post-covid.org.uk/ - For people left with breathing difficulties after COVID-19, as well as their family members and carers.
https://www.blf.org.uk/support-for-you/coronavirus/how-will-i-recover-if-ive-had-coronavirus - Advice from the British Lung Foundation including what to do If you are breathless or need to clear your lungs.
https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-work-pensions national help and advice about benefits, support if you are self-employed or looking for work
Financial Support
Clean Slate - Clean Slate is a not for profit Community Interest Company, that exists to support people with their money, with employment and with getting online. Clean Slate are funded to work with JCPs across East London to help claimants who are struggling financially. We will provide support for up to 12 weeks. (JCPs across East London). Visit https://www.cleanslate.org.uk/
Christians Against Poverty - always hope. Christians Against Poverty (CAP) provides free debt help and local community groups across the UK. The free services, run with local churches, provide practical and emotional support and show people that there is always hope. (JCPs across East London) (capuk.org)
Step Change - Hundreds of thousands of people come to us for help every year. Some are at crisis point and many don't see a way out. We help them to find a way out of their debt problems. www.stepchange.org
Citizens Advise Bureau – Available across Newham and Tower Hamlets. Citizens Advice is an independent organisation specialising in confidential information and advice to assist people with legal, debt, consumer, housing and other problems in the United Kingdom. Newham: https://www.eastendcab.org.uk/newham/; Tower Hamlets: https://www.eastendcab.org.uk/tower-hamlets/
Turn2us - Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially. https://www.turn2us.org.uk/get-support
Money advice Service - If you’re struggling with debt, it can be hard to know where to turn. But with lots of free advice services available across the UK, you can find help in a way that’s best for you. www.moneyhelper.org.uk
North East London resources
Respiratory information
This animation will inform you about COVID, how to measure your oxygen levels (using a pulse oximeter), what the danger signs to look out for are and when to seek urgent help.
Dietary information
https://www.malnutritionpathway.co.uk/covid19 - An overview with useful information for patients and carers. Endorsed by the British Dietetic Association (BDA), the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and the British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN)
Dealing with fatigue
Useful advice and information on rehabilitation from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists
Recovering from COVID-19: Post viral-fatigue (tiredness) and conserving energy – advice from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists
https://www.yourcovidrecovery.nhs.uk/managing-the-effects/effects-on-your-body/fatigue/ - NHS advice on what you can do if you are suffering from tiredness
Mental Health services
- Newham: Call Talking Therapies on 020 8475 8080 or visit www.newhamtalkingtherapies.nhs.uk. Also contact the Newham Mental Health Crisis Line on freephone 0800 073 0066.
- Tower Hamlets: Call Talking Therapies on 020 8475 8080 or visit https://towerhamletstalkingtherapies.nhs.uk/). You can also call the Tower Hamlets Mental Health Crisis Line on freephone 0800 073 0003.
You can also access a whole range of online resources from Thrive LND on their Good Thinking website.
Support if someone close to you has died
The government has produced some support for those that have lost loved ones which contains Information to help families, friends or next of kin make important decisions. This has been translated into a number of different languages.
Thrive LND has put together an information pack to support you if you are grieving the sudden death of someone close to you, or if you are supporting someone going through sudden bereavement.
The Coroners' Courts Support Service has also produced a helpline leaflet and a bereavement support pack.
North East London commissioners have also produced a series of guidance packs to support people through the bereavement process, which is made even more challenging during the pandemic. There are three guides available, as follows:
How to prepare for the death of a friend or relative: helps people understand what to expect when someone is near the end of their life, provides tips on practical care and information on where to go for further support.
What to do if a friend or relative dies: provides practical advice on areas such as arranging a funeral, looking after an individual’s personal affairs and caring for their pets.
Where to go for bereavement support: a list of organisations for people to reach out for support at any stage of the grieving process. It includes national, local and specialist organisations, along with contact details.