All appointments with us are voluntary!
For your first appointment, you will meet with one of our team members (usually a keyworker). They will get to know you and listen to your concerns. This meeting will usually be at our office, but we can offer appointments at another location if preferred – we will agree where to meet when we first speak with you.
In later appointments, you will also meet one of the team’s doctors.
When we have a better understanding of what is going on for you, we will go through some more detailed questions with you. This helps us understand exactly what your unusual experiences are, how often they happen, how they affect you, and if we are the right team to support you.
After we have met with you a few times, we discuss as a team whether THEDS are the best team to support you. If we are the best team to help, you will receive 2 years of support. We will meet with you to share what we think is happening, and how we can support you. If we don’t think we’re the right team to help, we will still offer advice, and in some cases refer you on to other support services.
We take your confidentiality very seriously, and in most circumstances what you tell us will be only discussed within the team, and summarised in a letter to your GP. However, if there is something that indicates either you or someone else is at/has been/will be at serious risk, we may need to share this information to keep you and others safe. Don’t worry too much - we’ll discuss this with you further when we meet with you.