This website contains information about services that you may find helpful. You can find information about the following categories:
Joshua Ward Discharge information
Joshua Ward Patient Discharge Support
After spending some time on Joshua Ward, you are now moving on, most likely back into the community.
Everyone is different and there may be many different reactions and feelings towards leaving the ward. There is no right or wrong way to feel about it.
Some people may be looking forward to being discharged, or others may find leaving the ward difficult.
This website is here to help guide you.
If you have a care coordinator it may be best to speak to them about first about any Accommodation issues you may have, you can also speak to your psychiatrist or GP post discharge.
You can also find housing advice via Hackney Council at the below link:
Silver Seaters
Aimed at older adults looking to remain physically active but who struggle to access the appropriate resources. Videos consist of a range of exercise routines/workouts to improve all aspects of physical health (fitness, strength, mobility, flexibility, and coordination)
Mental Health Swims
This is a community that welcomes and empowers everyone – people of all body shapes, skin colors, ages, backgrounds, genders, sexualities and abilities to enjoy the healing power of cold water and community! There will be a wide range of people living with mental illness attending our swim meet ups.
- Website:
Walking outdoor is a natural mood booster. Getting out is a tonic for the minds and bodies. On ramblers you can find planned walks. They have wellbeing walks where everybody is welcome, group walks and a library of tried and tested routes.
- Website:
Hoxton Health
Hoxton Health aims to enable people in older adulthood to lead independent lives within the community and reduce isolation. They offer 1-to-1 complementary therapies and exercise groups. You can get a referral via the GP, community connector or ELFT worker.
- Email:
Core Arts
They run weekly tutored classes across three departments – visual arts, music and multimedia with well-trained staff. They are designed to cater for all ranges and levels of experience.
Core Sports
Core sports offer a wide range of sport-specific and exercise classes, along with a weight management program and regular general health checks. Several sessions are available including core health, boxing, chair-based aerobics, circuit training, cycling, dancing, table tennis/racket sports, stretch & relaxation, walking group and football.
You can only be referred via a GP, care coordinator, or healthcare professional. Contact details for both Core Arts and Core Sports are below:
- Telephone: 020 8535 3500
- Website:
Recovery College
A non-clinical service aimed at supporting individual’s recovery, created with service users. They run termly courses including understanding health, life skills, getting involved and discovering yourself. Some sessions are online but most are in person in the base in South Hackney. You can self-refer via the enrolment form on the website.
MIND Wellbeing Network Classes
MIND have teamed up with many other charities in the area of Hackney to offer, coordinate and tailor and wide range of classes and activities. This includes practical life skills (such as cooking and gardening) and exercise classes (such as yoga, Pilates and dance) and others. The network will also support people with severe and enduring mental health conditions. Groups are currently being offered online and face-to-face.
- Website:
St Mary’s Secret Garden
Saint Mary’s Secret Garden provides horticulture orientated services, nature contact and food growing.
- Tel: 020 7739 2965
- Email:
- Website:
People Participation
The People Participation team support service users and carers to become involved in all aspects of the Trust's work from influencing the strategic direction (different word) of the Trust or as specific as being fully involved in decisions about someone's own care.
Volunteer Centre Hackney
There are a number of ways in which volunteers support others – through home visiting, escorting people to medical appointments and accompanying them in the community to activities as well as regular telephone contact.
- Telephone: 020 7241 4443
MIND Education Team
Offer a range of adult education classes to support those who are, or have previously suffered from mental health difficulties. Please contact the below to enquire about accessing this service:
- Email:
- Tel: 0208 985 4239
The Advocacy Project
A process of supporting and enabling people to express their views and concerns. The service is independent, free and confidential. For referrals, please contact:
- Telephone: 020 3960 7920
- Website:
Complaints Procedure PALS
If you are not satisfied or wish to make a complaint about your stay in hospital you can do so by contacting a clinician or manager in the service in the first instance. Or alternatively through the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
- Telephone: 020 8510 7315
- Email:
Bikur Cholim
Provide support to people of the Orthodox Jewish community. The service operates from Mon-Thurs: 9:30am – 5pm and Friday: 10am - 12pm. They offer a confidential therapy service and you can refer yourself by contacting the below:
- Tel: 020 8800 7575
- Email:
Offers free services to all Kurdish, Turkish, Turkish Cypriot and Eastern European Turkish people in Hackney irrespective of their political, ethnic and religious backgrounds. Derman offers Counselling, Health Advocacy and Health and Wellbeing Advocacy Groups.
Vietnamese Mental Health Services
This service aims to preserve and protect the good mental health of persons from Vietnam and their dependents; and to promote a quality and culturally sensitive mental health services to people from Vietnam in the UK.
- Telephone: 020 7234 0601
- E-mail:
Chinese Mental Health Association (CMHA)
CMHA provide a diverse range of services with the aim of serving Chinese people who suffer from mental health related issues and problems. This includes counselling, befriending and social clubs.
- Telephone: 020 7613 1008
- Website:
Hackney Migrant Services:
Hackney Migrant Centre offers free support to Asylum Seekers, Refugee and recent Migrants living in Hackney in need of health access, legal advice and practical support. For more information and if you require booking an interpreter you can contact the below:
- Website:
- Telephone: 07504332706
- Email:
Nafsiyat - Intercultural Therapy Centre
This intercultural therapy service is delivered by therapists who work across different cultures and languages. Nafsiyat provides help to people experiencing psychological and emotional problems and who may be finding it difficult to access help because of barriers such as culture or language. In some instances, a therapist might share your specific language and cultural background. Ask your clinician to refer you via the website.
- Telephone: 020 7263 6947
- Website:
MIND Young black men program
This is a three year program works with 11 to 30 year olds by offering a range of tailored local services working specifically with young Black men. The aim of the program is to increase understanding of mental health problems, reduce the stigma surrounding them and learn about how and where to seek help when you need it.
- Email:
Mental Health Resources for People of Color including information and signposting to other helpful services.
SEEAC provides mental health support, such as one-on-one counselling and peer-group activities, to Southeast and East Asian communities in the UK.
James Place
This service works with referrers to offer an intervention to men who have arrived at a crisis point in response to predominantly social and psychological stressors, such as debt, loneliness and relationship problems. James’ Place does not offer longer-term mental health or psychotherapeutic support, but supports people practically and emotionally through the crisis period, helping them to access any longer-term support they may require via other services.
Respect Men’s Advice Line
Support and advice for male victims of domestic abuse via a free phone line:
- Telephone: 0808 801 0327
- Website:
Offers a range of support services for men who want to stop behaving violently or abusively, and for the people affected by their violence or abuse. These include a focused brief counselling program, a partner support program, and a telephone advice-line.
- Telephone: 02072638884
- Website:
Campaign Against Living Miserable (CALM)
A service offering advice about issues you might be facing; through free, confidential chats with our helpline staff, online or on the phone. The helpline and webchat are open 365 days a year, offering practical suggestions for all of life’s problems - whether that’s anxiety, relationship concerns, health worries, money worries or suicidal thoughts.
- Telephone: 0800 58 58 58
- Website:
Survivors UK
Survivors UK acknowledge, support and advocate for men and non-binary people who have been affected by rape or sexual abuse. You can access their chat service from 5pm to midnight via their website.
- Website:
1 in 6
Offer a wide range of information and services for men with histories of unwanted or abusive sexual experiences, and anyone who cares about them. This includes an online helpline, online support groups and access to info such as answers to common questions.
- Website:
Brocals is a multi-generational social club for men 50+ who are residents of Hackney. They go all out to conquer the curse of ‘bronliness’ in their communities (definition: the state of being somewhat isolated, and somewhat bothered by it, but definitely also being too much of a bro to want to talk about it, like, ever). Brocals aims to support the psycho-social needs of older men through free minibus driver training and a program of regular meet-ups, trips and activities.
- Website:
Hub of Hope
A website where you can input your location to find local support. Brings local, national, peer to peer, community, NHS, mental health support together in one place.
- Website:
Crisis Café (Open 6-9pm, Monday to Friday; 12-4pm on Saturday and Sunday)
As well as offering a welcome cuppa, the Crisis Cafe is a safe, supportive, and therapeutic place for anyone struggling.
Tel: 07938554298 or 07393762366.
Service User Network (SUN)
The SUN supports people who experience difficulties managing moods and emotions including feelings of suicide and self-harm, feeling over-whelmed, facing isolation or relationship difficulties. You will need to self-refer by contacting:
- Telephone: 07508842688
- Email:
The Listening Place
The listening place offers free face to face, ongoing support, by appointment, for those who feel like life is no longer worth living.
- Telephone: 020 3906 7676
- Website:
The Centre for Better Health
This service offers low cost counselling and a variety of workshops aimed at enhancing wellbeing. Please talk to your community connector, care co-ordinator, occupational therapist or any other member of staff, about a referral. For more information:
- Website:
- Telephone: 0208 985 3570
Hackney Peer Support Service
Offers individual support with a peer support worker, either on the ward or in the community. This person has lived experience of difficulties and services like you. They aim to empower you on your recovery journey.
- Telephone: 020 8510 8630
Telephone Befriending Service
This service offers phone calls with an assigned befriender at a regular timeslot to combat feelings of isolation and loneliness. Befrienders are also service users who have undergone further training, so they understand some of the difficulties you might face. Ask a member of staff to refer you by requesting a referral form from the below email:
MIND Talking Therapies
Groups and one to one support for clients experiencing stress, low mood, anxiety and/or depression and are registered with a Hackney GP.
St Joseph’s Hospice Bereavement Support and Counselling Service:
For anyone aged 18 – 50 who live in the City of London or Hackney or are registered with a City of London or Hackney G.P, who have experienced a bereavement or who are anticipating the death of a close friend or relative from an advanced, terminal illness, or are living with an advanced terminal illness
- Telephone: 0300 303 0400
- Email:
Turning Point Hackney
Support from drinking and/or substance use. Specialist staff and dedicated recovery workers who support all residents of City and Hackney. Drug and alcohol services are open to all residents and their families and carers. You can self-refer by:
- Telephone: 03450144 0050
- Website:
- Email:
IRIE Mind provide a safe space for black and minority service users to gain help and support. They offer a range of 1:1 and group talking therapies. A referral form can be found on their website:
- Website:
- Telephone: 07554 451296 / 07515 575664.
- Email:
The National Association for Children of Alcoholics
This is a charity in the United Kingdom providing information and support for everyone affected by their parent's drinking through a free, confidential telephone and email helpline.
- Telephone: 0800 358 3456
- Website:
Age UK
The UK’s leading charity for older people. They offer support, advice and information in areas such as money, legal, health and wellbeing, care and learning. They also run a befriending service to combat loneliness.
- Telephone: 0800 678 1602
- Website:
The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and support to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
- Telephone: 0800 4 70 80 90
- Website:
East London Veterans Support
East London NHS Foundation Trust has signed the Armed Forces Covenant to show our commitment as an organisation towards our Armed Forces Communities and in particular UK Armed Forces Veterans. You can find local services on their
Veterans Gateway
The Veterans’ Gateway service is a point of contact for all Tri-Service veterans, and their families. It offers expert content that covers welfare areas: housing, employment, finances, living independently, mental wellbeing, families and communities, and physical health.
- Telephone: 0808 802 1212
- Website:
Hearing voices network
This group aims to raise awareness of the diversity of voices, visions and similar experiences, challenge negative stereotypes, stigma and discrimination, raise awareness of a range of different ways to manage distressing, confusing or difficult voices. They have information and resources on their website, and offer workshops, training and events. They also support members via Hearing Voices groups.
- Website:
Support for Autism
Find local and national support by using the search tool on this website:
Mind Employment Team
Employment support is available through workshops and also through 1:1 support. Supports with access to work, job retention and wellbeing at work. 1-1 support offering coaching, advice, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy and work around assertiveness. For more information please contact MIND on:
- Telephone: 020 8525 2301
- Email: /
Volunteer Step Up Hackney
Step Up is an innovative project that aims to support people with mental health issues to access, and sustain, volunteering as part of their mental health recovery and personal journey towards employment. They use a range of different strategies to support people to move on with their lives including tailored, specialist 1:1 support from staff to find suitable volunteer and paid opportunities; peer support; wellbeing workshops and employment workshops. You can self refer on the website or be referred by a professional.
- Telephone: 020 7241 4443
- Email:
- Website:
Working Well Trust
This service offers in work support ( to help employers effectively manage and support staff impacted by mental health challenges), getting back to work (direct support to clients at every stage of their job search), and starting a business. They also provide support clients to access volunteering, apprenticeships, work experience placements and find free accredited training opportunities.
- Telephone: 020 7613 7096
- Email:
- Website:
Young Hackney
A service for young people living in Hackney, aimed at providing advice and information about projects and services in the local area. Website: Hackney Works Employment support for Hackney residents to gain training and employment. You can self refer or be referred by a professional.
- Website:
- Telephone: 020 8356 5700
Hackney Foodbank
Offer free food parcels. This system works by a professional you are working with referring you. If you think you would benefit from this support then please speak to a professional you are working with.
- Telephone: 0207 254 2464
- Website:
Foodcycle Hackney
Offer a weekly free 3 course meal. Every Thursday at 12.30pm at New Kingshold Community Centre, 49 Ainsworth Road, London E9 7JE
Free food every Thursday (6:15pm-7:30pm: Lincoln’s Inn Fields)
- Telephone: 020 8806 4250
- Website:
- Address: 3A Cazenove Road, Stoke Newington, London N16 6PA
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Offer free meals and food parcels.
Mondays and Thursdays 3.00pm-6.00pm
- Telephone: 0207 254 5956
- Address: 164 Haggeston Road E8 4JA London
Chatsworth Food Hub
Provide free ready meals and food parcel every Wednesday 11.00am -2.00pm. To get the food parcel call or walk-in.
- Telephone: 07583165 389
- Email:
If you think you are going to become homeless or are homeless you should try to get help from the Council or any other advice agency, such as speaking to a professional you are working with or your care coordinator as soon as possible.
You may be entitled to direct help from the Council providing you meet all the requirements under the Homelessness Act. Otherwise, you will be entitled to advice and assistance in finding accommodation.
You can search Homeless UK for information on over 9,000 services - hostels, day centres and other advice and support services for homeless people and those at risk of homelessness:
Shelter can provide advice and guidance on issues relating to housing and homelessness.
- Telephone: 0808 800 4444
- Website:
White Chapel Mission
White Chapel Mission is opened from Monday to Friday from 6am offering a wide range of services to anyone in need of support.
- Address: Whitechapel Mission 212 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BJ
- Website:
Gendered Intelligence
We are a trans-led and trans-involving grassroots organization with a wealth of lived experience, community connections of many kinds, and a depth and breadth of trans community knowledge that is second to none. We believe everyone can be intelligent about gender! There are multiple strands to our work. For more information about who we are go to our about us section or see below.
- Website:
Rainbow Room
A fortnightly LGBTQ+ online meeting for young people has been launched by Hackney-based charity Rainbow Mind. The Rainbow Room wants to be a safe online place for LGBTQ+ people aged 17-24 to share experiences, connect with their peers and discuss mental health issues.
- Website:
London Friend
Includes counselling service and social support groups. London Friend service is developed to improve the health and mental well-being of LGBTQTI people and we work to be there when people need us most.
- Website:
Club Mellow
Club Mellow LGBT Social Group is a weekly afternoon social support space for lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans* people who want to meet up with others in a friendly, supportive environment.
- Website:
- Tel: 02085093898
If you are under the care of a Neighborhood or Recovery team you may be eligible for support and advice with regard to money and benefits. There are other services in the community available too.
Mind Welfare Rights
Our Welfare Rights service supports clients by offering welfare benefit and debt advice to adults in Hackney. Our information is free, independent, impartial and confidential.
- Telephone: 020 8525 2301
- Email:
- Website:
Citizens Advice Bureau
Citizen Advice Bureau are available to provide free advice for communities in Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets. They can be consulted for advice on issues affecting people’s life.
- Telephone: 020 8525 6350
- Advice Line: 0844 499 1195 (Tuesday & Wednesday 1:00pm to 3:00pm)
- Website:
You can contact the following services if you feel you need urgent support.
The City & Hackney Crisis Line (24 hours a day)
The helpline is for people of any age who may have long term psychological issues or who have had a sudden crisis.
- Tel: 0800 073 0006
The Samaritans (24 hours a day)
If you need to someone to talk to, who will listen and will not judge or tell you what to do.
- Telephone: 16 123
- Website:
Shout (24 hours a day)
A 24/7 free text helpline available in the UK when in distress.
- Text: SHOUT to 85258
- Website:
Provide emotional support and information and guidance for people affected by mental illness but also their families, friends, and carers.
- Text: 07984 967 708 giving your first name and contact number
- Website:
In the event of an emergency you can call 999.
The inpatient team will discuss which team you might be referred to in the community. It could be:
Neighbourhood Mental Health Teams:
Your Neighbourhood Mental Health Team offers support such as peer support, community connectors, support workers, medical professionals, psychology, occupational therapy and social workers.
- Tel: 020 3222 8003
- Email:
Recovery Mental Health Teams:
If you are going to be care-coordinated, your Recovery Mental Health Team can offer support such as peer support, social work, occupational health, medical professionals and psychology.
- Tel: 0207 275 1000
Both the Neighborhood and recovery teams offer support with mental health, physical health, employment, housing, leisure activities, relationships-partner/family/friendships, personal safety, medication, carer support, meetings, drug & alcohol support, finances - e.g. support in accessing personal health budgets & benefits.
Step Forward
Free & confidential services for all young people aged 11-25, living in & around Tower Hamlets, East London.
The Mix (4pm – 11pm every day)
The Mix is a charity that provides free confidential support for young people under 25. They are here to help you take on any challenge you’re facing - from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to us via our online community, on social, through our free, confidential helpline or our counselling service.
- Tel: 0808 808 4994
- Website:
The Princes Trust
The Princes Trust helps young people who faces issues such as mental health problems, homelessness or young people who have been in trouble with the law.
It also provide support and advice for employment and education.
- Website:
We are currently in the process of completing this section.
More information will be added here soon.