The engagement period ran from October 18th through to November 27th, 2024, and was open to service users and their parents and carers, stakeholders, and wider partners.
We were really pleased with the level of engagement and feedback we received, particularly from service users, parents and carers, and that feedback has been invaluable in helping us shape our thinking about services over the next 18 months.
We asked an independent organisation to analyse all the feedback and responses that we received, and we now have a copy of their final report which sets out the key themes and findings from the engagement period.
Click on the link to download the report.
The findings were considered by the NCEL Strategy Board in January, and in light of the report’s findings and feedback from the NCEL Strategy Board, we now have some further work to do in order to refine our proposals, including some further co-production with service users and their parents and carers, around specific aspects of the proposals, to make sure we get this right.
We plan to take a final set of detailed proposals back to our Strategy Board at the end of March and following that we aim to publish our next steps on our website week commencing 7th April.
NCEL Provider Collaborative