When an inpatient admission is required, we are committed to ensuring that its for as short a time as clinically indicated, and that we work closely with our partners to ensure young people are not unnecessarily delayed in hospital, but are discharged back to their local community in a timely way.
North Central and East London Provider Collaborative remain focused on improving outcomes for children and young people needing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Inpatient Services. Building on our achievements of 22/23, as part of our clinical strategy we are committed to delivering high-quality care, as close as possible to the young person’s home/local community. When an inpatient admission is required, we are committed to ensuring that its for as short a time as clinically indicated, and that we work closely with our partners to ensure young people are not unnecessarily delayed in hospital, but are discharged back to their local community in a timely way.
We have identified 6 key priority areas where we want to work with our key partners to develop pathways and services to deliver improved outcomes for children and young people with mental health needs. We have identified these by looking at what our Strategic Health Needs Assessment has told us, what our local data is telling us, and from listening to our Service Users.