We can only take referrals from GPs or other healthcare professional e.g. DN/ Physio, Wards, Social Care, ELFT NHS Partners (TH CCG, Barts Health, GP Care Group). We aim to respond within five to seven working days.
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The service is provided by specialist continence nurses (SCN) with advanced knowledge of bladder and bowel dysfunction. We offer advice, training and an advanced specialist clinical service in the prevention and treatment of incontinence. The aim of the continence service is to promote continence, improve or achieve continence and to manage incontinence for any adult experiencing bladder/ bowel dysfunction.
We manage patients with complex bowel and bladder dysfunction across Tower Hamlets and within Barts Health. We recognise that urinary/faecal incontinence compromises skin integrity which contributes to the development of pressure ulcers and can also result in falls.
Our team
As expert nurses, we deliver effective and timely care which is essential for patients to enable adaptation and acceptance to life-changing events. Our services include the education of patients, relatives, carers and health care, professionals. We provide consultancy as well as expert clinical skills. We care passionately about the care we provide our patients and the skills and knowledge we share with other healthcare professionals. All of our patient referrals are triaged to make sure they get the right care they need.
You will be seen in the community by one of our three specialist nurses. Inpatients are seen by our hospital-based nurses.
2nd floor, Grove Building, Mile End Hospital
Bancroft Road
E1 4DG
United Kingdom
We can only take referrals from GPs or other healthcare professional e.g. DN/ Physio, Wards, Social Care, ELFT NHS Partners (TH CCG, Barts Health, GP Care Group). We aim to respond within five to seven working days.
We provide information and support for patients during their hospital stay and when they are discharged. We support the continuity of care and provide on-going support through follow-up arrangements which include onward referral to a local continence nurse specialist (if the patient is discharged to another area) telephone contact, home visits and/or at clinic appointments.