Secondary School & Colleges Workshop and Groups
Secondary School & Colleges Workshop and Groups
Each secondary school is entitled to 12 face-to-face per academic year. We ask that 6 sessions be completed before the February half-term, and 6 sessions after the February half-term (if possible).

For Example
A school may choose a managing anxiety workshop for Years 7, 8, 9, and 10 (4 sessions), a social media workshop for Year 7 and 8 (2 sessions), exam stress workshop for Years 10,11, 12, and 13 (4 sessions), a session for parents on supporting young people who self-harm (1 session) and a training session for staff on trauma informed practice (1 session)= total 12 sessions.
All workshops need to be requested at least 2 weeks ahead of the intended workshop date. Bespoke workshops can be requested but require at least one month notice. Referral forms are not required for workshops.