Our service can take referrals from professionals outside of a school as long as the young person in question is attending one of our THEWS linked schools and meets the threshold. We are also available to promote our service, its goals, and the offer to other professionals so they are aware and can keep us in mind when supporting Tower Hamlet’s Young People. Please do feel free to reach out to our team if you would like to explore us promoting our offer or discussing our work at events or meetings.
For Other Professionals
For Other Professionals
If you have service users who are struggling with mental health, we can help. If you would like to link our with our service to discuss any joint working, we would be very happy to hear from you.
Tower Hamlets work with an app that your service users may be interested in. For young people 13 and over, they can anonymously join the carefully administrated Kooth Community for journaling and wellbeing advice.

You may already have a young person in mind that you think might benefit from seeing us. You can click the link below to be taken to our referral information page.