Our Team
Our Team
We are a team of dedicated professionals who aim to support those on a journey to improve their mental health.
Our team is made up of:
Our Leads/Managers
Senior Practitioners (trained across different areas of therapeutic work such as CBT therapists, Clinical Psychologists, Psychodynamic Therapists, Social Workers etc.)
Education Wellbeing Practitioners
Assistant psychologists
Additionally, we are also partnered with other services and work closely with them.
Our partners
Docklands Outreach
Our Intervention Delivery Partner. Free and confidential wellbeing, talking therapies and parenting support service for children (3-13 years), young people (12-21years), and Community Connector – Young Adult Mental Health Support (18-25) in Tower Hamlets.
E: info@dockout.org.uk
P: 07434 643 725
Other Partners
The East London Foundation NHS Trust has commissioned and works with other partners. We work particularly closely with two digital apps which young people can access support from.